"The backbone of a nation is its overseas commerce, and its strength is her merchant marine, backed and supported by an adequate and efficient navy." Master Mariner & Founder, Uttmark's Nautical Academy, Boston & New York |
Capt. Fritz E. N. Uttmark (1870 - 1930)
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Active shipping development improves community quality of life. But the opposite is also true. Smith1 quantified the value of trade, Rostow 2 linked trade to economic growth and Iheduru3 described the political economy of shipping as creating barriers to entry beyond the idealized free market. Portals to participate in marine shipping, unavailable to aspirants until now, are opening, thanks to a number of new converging trends. TransTech welcomes communication from progressive communities seeking to design, develop or expand their marine shipping links to the world. |
TransTech assists transformation of communities by leading or supporting research, design and development of merchant marine shipping services that are technically sound, economically viable and environmentally green.
Marine shipping is an interweb of communities as varied as the fleet of nearly 100,000 ships4 that transport the world's physical commerce5. Often viewed as a passive / reactive industry, marine shipping can in fact be the driver in international social, economic, financial and cultural integration in many instances.
Development of a marine shipping initiative combines numerous sepcialist skills, tools and disciplines. On the techical side, for bulk transport initiatives TransTech employs proprietary tools like BSDS to ensure absolute lowest shipping cost is designed in, since the market or contract can be won or lost on fractions of a cent of unit delivered cost, be it a dry, liquid or gas cargo. In liner trades revenue adequacy also must be carefully considered.
TransTech marine shipping development clients include government agencies, ship owners, ship builders, cargo interests, full-service naval architecture & marine engineering firms, financial institutions, investment groups and transport entrepreneurs. Commissions usually comprise both technical and economic components, the former including concept ship design or conversion scheme, work outline, specification preparation and preliminary cost estimate; the later ranging from basic voyage cash flow analysis to complete project capitalizationcan plan.
Some projects which illustrate our range of services include:
TransTech applies the following principles across all assignments: We believe a better solution exists, our job is to find it or design it. If search of the literature reveals possible extant solution, we advise our client and credit the source. We welcome and encourage networking and partnering, whetherto build, lead or join a team. We share knowledge and give back. Worthwhile projects always exceed available time, hence we favor repurpose to convert, convert to newbuild, if new is indeed indicated, keep it simple. If a project truly should be done, then a way should be found, hence, ShipShares LLC.Project thumbnails are revised periodically. Please visit again or contact us directly for additional information. |