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ELCE = ESOP-Linked Convertible Equity, pronounced "Elsie".

  "Focus on a problem that needs to be solved in
   the world. Money will follow as a bi-product."

                               Manoj Arora
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ELCE is a financial instrument conceived by TransTech / ShipShares LLC that allows startup and early stage Transformation through Transportation marine shipping companies and Green Revolutions in the Making marine technologies to raise equity capital under the amended 2012 JOBS Act.

For aspirants to marine shipping, justifacations are as valid today as when espoused at the FIRST MINISTERIAL MEETING OF THE GROUP OF 77: CHARTER OF ALGIERS, October, 1967. No country has reached developed status without significant participation in its maritime trades, just as established maritime nations seek to protect their interests and the status quo. Fixed quotas such as the 40-40-20 Liner Code were never the solution; better approaches are available today and indeed are needed as UNCTAD's dire predictions concerning over-consolidation, insufficient competition and predatory ocean freight rates have become reality.

For countries, coasts, companies, communities that no longer meaningfully participate in marine shipping, the way back need not be an Odyssey. For instance, U.S. flag ships once sailed 46 "Essential Foreign Trade Routes", so many the map's legend filled two oceans. Then, crucial assistance to the fleet was withdrawn, "Esential" trade routes were renamed simply "Oceanborne" trade routes as the fleet dwindled. Finally, the US Congress awoke to the danger and created the Maritime Security Program (MSP) to restore some US flag sealift. A merchant fleet's value is muted, multi-faceted, profound economic and strategic power, oft unrecognized until absence proves worth. Circumstances differ but as Odysseus demonstrated all those years ago, the way home can be found.

Whether embarking on a maiden voyage in marine shipping or seeking the way back, your cause is just and noble. TransTech Marine Co. / ShipShares LLC and network partners stand ready to assist your success. Thank you for visiting. May we be first to wish you own particular journey Good Luck and Godspeed!